Monday, May 12, 2008

Yeast Infection Looks Like And How To Cure Yeast Infection

Suffering with yeast infection is not only inconvenient but embarrassing also. It not only affects the genital area but can affect the other parts of the body too like armpits and breast cleavage etc. Yeast infections need timely and specific treatment for which it is must to recognize it. There are many remedies for it but the selection of these remedies and results depend upon the type of the yeast infection. To decide right course of action to cure yeast infection it is important to know, what a yeast infection looks like.

Some over-the-counter medications and ointments meant to be used for other purposes are used unknowingly to treat the diseases looking like yeast infections. If you use such medicines too much while you don't have it your body yeasts will become drug-resistant. In such a case, it will become very tough to treat the real infection.

In general, yeast infection looks like flat and red rashes. In the advanced stage of infection yellow pus also gets developed in the rashes. If it affects the genital area, the infected area becomes red and swollen. If this occurs in vaginal area, vagina remains extremely. Vaginal yeast infection makes sexual intercourse painful. Women suffering with yeast infections emit a white or faint yellow discharge, smelling like beer or bread.

If it occurs in mouth, it looks like white pimple on light swollen red spot. Mouth yeast infections are very painful and make eating and swallowing very difficult. This also takes place in the area between toes and fingers. Here, you can recognize yeast infection seeing dry and swollen patches of red color and feeling burning and itchy sensation.

Remember! Not all of the itching and burning sensations indicate the presence of yeast infection That is why people are advised to consult the doctor at the earliest instead of doing self-diagnose and self-treatment. A doctor can trace the real cause of the yeast infection and just by changing your lifestyle and habits, you can control or even completely remove this.

Yeast Infection

Candida Issue

A yeast infection (aka, candidal infection) is an over-growth of microscopic fungi that normally live on our body. This yeast is typically controlled by "good" bacteria. When the fungi (or yeast) begin to populate within a certain area, it most often becomes an infection.

The infected areas are warm and moist places on the body, such as skin folds, arm pits, groin, anal area, oral, nail bed, etc. Unexposed skin is often softer and more sensitive than normally exposed skin. The pores within these areas are open and prone to being a breeding ground. Yeast infections are not partial to the female body. Men also are susceptible as are babies. Commonly infected areas (but not limited to) specific to group:

Women -

* Under breasts
* vaginal area

Men -

* Penile foreskin

Babies -

* Diapered areas
* oral (mouth)

The signs of a yeast infection will vary depending on what area is thought to be infected. Visually, a vaginal yeast infection will have a creamy colored white discharge resembling cottage cheese and an unpleasant odor. Normally along with the discharge the vaginal area will be itchy and irritated. It is also not unusual to encounter pain if engaging in intercourse or a burning sensation during urination.

Visual indications of an oral yeast infection (thrush) include a white residue or curd-type film under the tongue or in the cheeks which is normally sore and sensitive. Other signs include redness, soreness and dryness in the creases of the mouth. Other signs of an oral yeast infection may involve part or all of the mouth including under dentures.

For males, a penile yeast infection will normally appear red, dry, and patchy. The affected area will be tender and itchy.

The Root of the Matter

Candida infection is most typically caused in females by changes within the vagina via high antibiotic doses or steroid use. It is also not uncommon to be caused in part by pregnancy, sperm, birth control or menstruation. For men, infections are mainly caused by diabetes, obesity, transmitted by an infected person or poor physical hygiene.

Yeast infections are most commonly associated with aging and menopause. In younger and older people, candida infection may also be caused as a result of a weakened immune system from medical treatments for illnesses such as AIDS or cancer.

Getting Over It

With any medical condition, an immediate treatment must be followed. There are holistic approaches to treating and eliminating a yeast infection. Most people I know that have had or are having this uncomfortable condition experience embarrassment when going to the doctor or pharmacy. The best advice for early treatment is to get diagnosed and treated holistically. If the condition worsens or has been untreated, seek the conventional medicine approach and seek a doctor immediately. Long term repercussions of an untreated case of yeast infection can lead to life threatening results.

The information provided above is not intended to substitute or disclaim medical care by a licensed health practitioner or physician. Information serves only as an educational tool. Much of the information was cited and based on information by the Office on Women's Health in the Department of Health and Human Services.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Methods For Overcoming Yeast Infection Problems

Every woman has had a yeast infection at one point in time. Those women who are lucky enough to never have had one are fully aware of how horrible they are. We have all seen those comical commercials on television for yeast infection creams that show women in utter agony. The commercials would have you believe that it is impossible to live your life while suffering a yeast infection. I don't know many women that ride horses on a regular basis but I certainly feel for them in those commercials.

It is sometimes impossible to avoid getting a yeast infection. There is a misconception out there that getting this type of infection signals a lack of good personal hygiene. This is simply untrue. You can get a yeast infection simply because you are taking antibiotics. Antibiotics try to kill everything in your system and this includes the beneficial elements in your lady region. Taking antibiotics and other medications can change the pH balance in your system and lead to yeast infections. The last time that I was on a serious antibiotic my doctor also prescribed an anti-fungal medication to ward off a yeast infection. It worked.

There are many things that can change your pH balance and lead to yeast infections. One of the things that can cause yeast infections that many women are unaware of is soap. Most women love taking long bubble baths but are unaware that certain bath products can mess with their pH balance and leave them susceptible to yeast infections. I think it is a good idea to try to stay away from harsh chemicals and unnatural substances if you want to keep your pH balance at the level it is supposed to be at.

If you get a yeast infection you should know that many of them clear up on their own. Our bodies are very advanced and are constantly trying to rid themselves of unhealthy elements. You may find that after a couple of days the infection clears up on its own and you will not have to take any action. If a yeast infection does not clear on its own you can find many affordable treatments at your local drugstore that will help. Most of these treatments only take two or three days to completely kill the infection. Dealing with this issue is just a part of being a woman and is not a very big deal. The next time you see one of those commercials on TV you will just have to laugh.

Symptoms And Cure Of Yeast Infection Problems

Almost all women experience one yeast infection in their life, while others are vulnerable to this unpleasant and painful condition, experiencing several in a single year. Itching, burning, and swelling in the vaginal area, along with pain during intercourse are some of the symptoms of this distressing condition.

Candida albicans is the yeast which causes this condition. Normally, the vagina has an acidic balance where both “good” and ”bad” flora and fauna coexist with no ill effect. Yeast is held in check by the natural acidic balance. When this natural acidity is thrown off balance, the yeast multiply rapidly, unchecked. The end result is the yeast infection all women hate. Antibiotic use almost always results in a yeast infection. You'll be happy to know there are a number of reliable natural cures for yeast infections.

All of the natural cures for yeast infections work by restoring the natural acidity of the vagina and surrounding areas.

One of the best known and reliable of the natural cures for yeast infections is yogurt! The yogurt must contain the live bacteria, lactobacillus acidophilus and be unflavored. This ”good” bacteria quickly restores the natural acidity required, bringing quick and welcome relief. The yogurt may be eaten as a snack, or spread on a tampon and inserted into the vagina two or three times a day. Both methods may be employed if you wish.

Another of the good natural cures for yeast infections is apple cider vinegar. The best and most convenient method is to add a cup of apple cider vinegar to your hot bath water. Take a nice long soak. Not only does the vinegar help restore the correct acidity, but it does double duty by relieving the itching.

No matter which of the natural cures for yeast infections you choose, you may simultaneously take garlic, a powerful anti-fungal which will speed your recovery. If you don't like garlic or your spouse or co-workers don't care for garlic breath, use garlic and parsley capsules or gelcaps which downplay this effect. Kyolic® is a patented garlic product which entirely eliminates the breath problem and does not upset your stomach.

The oil of oregano is another of the powerful anti-fungal choices among the natural cures for yeast infections. One teaspoon daily is the usual recommended dose. Note: Do not use the essential oil of oregano as it's far too potent to be used safely. The ordinary oil of oregano is what you want.

While using any of these natural cures for yeast infections, be sure you drink plenty of water, which helps flush sugars that feed the yeast from your body. Avoid foods containing sugars, yeast or refined flour. Wear only cotton underwear, as cotton “breathes” and doesn't trap warmth and moisture which encourages the growth of yeast. Avoid tight-fitting pants. Pay close attention to hygiene, ensuring a dry and clean environment in the vaginal area.

Consult with your doctor, especially if you get yeast infections frequently or if your infection is severe.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Treatments And Cure For yeast Infection

We all get them and we all hate them – yeast infections. It is practically impossible to completely avoid them. Our bodies are very complex and many women are unaware of the many harmless things that can lead to such infections. Things as simple as wearing underwear made of synthetic material or taking a bubble bath can lead to yeast infections. The biggest question is not how you get a yeast infection, but rather how you should treat it.

Many people have a misconception that getting a yeast infection is a sign of poor personal hygiene. Regardless of how popular this notion may be, it is just not true. Like many other things, taking antibiotics can cause a yeast infection. Using some soaps can irritate the area and alter the ph level. Although we all enjoy a bubble bath from time to time, many women are unaware that soaking in some bath products can be irritating to certain areas. When it comes down to it, the female system is remarkably sensitive and a fluctuation in the ph balance can leave the body susceptible to yeast infections. You should try to steer clear of harsh or unnatural chemicals if you want to keep your ph levels in check.

There may not be a lot we can do to avoid them but there are many options available when it comes to treating them. Many yeast infections clear up on their own because our bodies constantly seek out unhealthy elements and clear them from our systems. Sometimes the infection will clear after a day or two. If not, there are many affordable treatments available at your local drugstore.

If you or dealing with a yeast infection for the first time you should be aware that at many of the treatments you will find at a drugstore are better if taken at night. The reason for this is that the substances can leak and will not be effective if too much of the medication leaves your system too soon. If you are experiencing itching you should look for a treatment that comes with an anti-itch cream. This will save you a great deal of discomfort.

Most yeast infections are not a big deal and will clear up in few days. I don't believe that you need to change any significant aspect of her lifestyle while dealing with one even though the commercials we all see about yeast infections might suggest otherwise.

Dealing With Yeast Infection Problems

Every woman has had a yeast infection at one point in time. Those women who are lucky enough to never have had one are fully aware of how horrible they are. We have all seen those comical commercials on television for yeast infection creams that show women in utter agony. The commercials would have you believe that it is impossible to live your life while suffering a yeast infection. I don't know many women that ride horses on a regular basis but I certainly feel for them in those commercials.

It is sometimes impossible to avoid getting a yeast infection. There is a misconception out there that getting this type of infection signals a lack of good personal hygiene. This is simply untrue. You can get a yeast infection simply because you are taking antibiotics. Antibiotics try to kill everything in your system and this includes the beneficial elements in your lady region. Taking antibiotics and other medications can change the pH balance in your system and lead to yeast infections. The last time that I was on a serious antibiotic my doctor also prescribed an anti-fungal medication to ward off a yeast infection. It worked.

There are many things that can change your pH balance and lead to yeast infections. One of the things that can cause yeast infections that many women are unaware of is soap. Most women love taking long bubble baths but are unaware that certain bath products can mess with their pH balance and leave them susceptible to yeast infections. I think it is a good idea to try to stay away from harsh chemicals and unnatural substances if you want to keep your pH balance at the level it is supposed to be at.

If you get a yeast infection you should know that many of them clear up on their own. Our bodies are very advanced and are constantly trying to rid themselves of unhealthy elements. You may find that after a couple of days the infection clears up on its own and you will not have to take any action. If a yeast infection does not clear on its own you can find many affordable treatments at your local drugstore that will help. Most of these treatments only take two or three days to completely kill the infection. Dealing with this issue is just a part of being a woman and is not a very big deal. The next time you see one of those commercials on TV you will just have to laugh.